Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why black women have more courage than the average black man?

Seriously if you was to take the average black man whos a police officer until he gets shot by a white cop then he realizes hes black .yet he dosent help the young black if you take a black woman who works for welfare black women give tough love encourage black men to be smart and be the best they can be. if a black woman is a social worker they do the same i mention i dont see much black men being men . not all black men are perfect and this is not to put men inmy race down im black and i love who i am i just dont like the cowardly black men that abandon our women leave there kids and keep makeing baies while the sisters are the only primary gaurdian. if im generalizeing go to brooklyn and live there and tell me what you see. by the way i mean the most dandgerous parts of brooklyn.

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