Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do you think Christians are insane?

I think they're insane (for lack of a better word) for believing in something so utterly ridiculous. The Bible is scientifically flawed on a MASSIVE SCALE and in many, many ways (seriously, look them up, Christians), failed prophecies (not simply ones that haven't come to pass, I mean ones that did not happen as was predicted), Morally bankrupt--they don't talk much about things like "God" ordering parents to stone their children to death for being "disobedient", or giving men permission to take his new wife to her father's door and stone her if he believes she wasn't a virgin, or ordering for the death of THOUSANDS of innocent people-INCLUDING INFANTS AND WOMEN. There is so much more to go into but I won't bother. I was once a Christian but ironically studying the Bible in-depth is what led to my faith dissolving. It's been one of the most difficult things I've ever experienced. I thought I was 'in love' with the God of the Bible only to realize I was delusional and had been fed a bunch a giant fairytle (with a very, very dark side they didn't tell me about in Sunday school) my entire life and it's a very difficult and uncomfortable thing to seperate from something that became such a large part of your identity. Seriously though, the Christian religion is nonsense. CHRISTIANS GET HONEST WITH YOURSELVES STOP BEING INTELLECTUALLY LAZY AND COWARDLY AND TAKE AN HONEST LOOK AT YOUR RELIGION.

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