Sunday, July 17, 2011

Satan or Christ.....................?

Actually your question is in reality, something that eventually will confront everyone! most will try and avoid the issue. Scripture clearly tells us that man is without excuse as the very creation every where testifies of the existence of a Creator. Despite this clear fact, many will go through life not wishing to retain a knowledge of God in their minds (as Scripture states also) Natural man doesn't want anything to do with the things of the Lord as his nature is at enmity with the Lord hence the dire need to be born again and until such time as he is, he remains a child of Satan. I see from a number of the answers you have received so far that this fact is evident and Romans Chapters one - three also describe the state of natural man which also supports natural man's hatred of the Lord. The Lord is offering everyone the free gift of salvation and eternal life but most will reject this offer and go out into a Christ-less eternity when they didn't have to in the first place. My choice; I'm a born again Christian and know that I have eternal life and that this eternal life started 41 years ago for me so when I pass on; "Absent from the body, present with the Lord" God Bless!

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