Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm worried about my son - How can i help? (Fairly Long)?

It could be numerous things. One that really struck me was Multiple Personality Disorder. One side of him is extremely, unusually nice and intelligent and one is more laid back, personal, and uses his brilliance against people. I'm no psychologist, but I would not suggest letting your son live alone, as he may not be able to fully prepare meals and take care of his house/apartment on his own. I wouldn't suggest letting him out of your household until he knows how to properly manage money, has some sort of social interaction with people his age, and has an interest in doing other things outside of his room. It, also, could possibly be Asperger's Syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome is a form of Autism where people are highly intelligent in a couple of areas, yet deeply unable to socially interact and/or relate to other people. I would recommend taking him to a psychologist just to get him evaluated and learn to give him those barriers and help him be successful as an adult, and help him learn how to continue in college without giving up. Help him understand there are many other things to do than stay in his room, and that socializing can be a very rewarding thing for him (possibly take him to his favorite place, give him his favorite meal, praise him). Good luck. :)

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