Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tips For Starting High School Freshman Year?? (:?

if you're actually as friendly as you say you are, you should have no problem making friends! i would say my number one tip friend wise is to not focus on being friends with EVERYONE, but be friends with who you want to be friends with and who you know will be a good influence on you. there are so many bad influences in high school and you need to know how to not be influenced negatively by anyone. i'm not saying you have to shun anyone who is a "bad influence", you can totally still be friends with them, but just know where your values are and don't let anyone bring you down haha. also, make sure you focus on school in high school! actually do your homework and study and everything. when i started high school i got into the habit of not doing my schoolwork and just focusing on my social life, and i super regret it now! make sure you find the balance between school and social life. if you aren't getting the grades you want, you might be going out a little too much. and makeup wise, i would say stick with the makeup you're wearing now, you look great :) i also made the mistake of wearing waaay too much makeup freshman year...i thought i looked so awesome but when i see pictures of myself then i just want to kick myself lol i looked so dumb. but remember high school is the time for making mistakes and learning from them so don't worry about it too much and just focus on school and not going down the wrong path. sorry this was really long but i hope my little bit of advice will help you :)

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